What is a Periodic Fever Syndrome?

…the known hereditary periodic fever syndromes, such as FMF, MWS, HA20, and HIDS, when diagnosing PFAPA, since these diseases have similar symptoms. PFAPA is too often diagnosed without a full attempt to rule out the other autoinflammatory diseases, and therefore too often misdiagnosed. A misdiagnosis of PFAPA, if the patient has another periodic fever syndrome, can delay starting medications that are most effective and can prevent risks and compli…

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Periodic Fever Syndromes in Adults

…ion Criteria – This quiz gives a risk score that a patient may have TRAPS, HIDS, FMF, or CAPS based on specific symptoms a patient has. Also it’s essential that patients keep an accurate symptom log as the pattern of symptoms greatly helps with diagnosis. Click here for more symptom logs used by autoinflammatory patients. Adult-onset Autoinflammatory Diseases as an Atypical Presentation It is most common for these syndromes to start in childhood,…

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