Are Periodic Fever Syndromes Real?

…family, and inappropriate. People do not usually ask people these sorts of questions with common diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, or Alzheimers, yet it seems all too common for people to question people with a rare disease that does not make the news if it is legitimate. This is very inconsiderate and demeaning on many levels. Many patients strive to function fully in their role in society as a student, employee, spouse, and/or caregiver despit…

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Care Packages & Birthday Club for Kids with Autoinflammatory Diseases

…ses. Donate now to help with awareness, education, and research for these rare diseases. Related articles Looking for a Community Service Project? Raise Awareness and Donations for Autoinflammatory Diseases! Common Questions About Periodic Fever Syndromes and Other Autoinflammatory Diseases My Child, or I Keep Getting Fevers. What Do I Do? Autoinflammatory vs. Autoimmune: What is the Difference?…

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Distraction Techniques to Reduce Pain and Anxiety for Your Child When Giving an Injection

…of an anakinra injection. Click here for reviews of the ShotBlocker and Buzzy Bee Pain Relief System. Click here for more tips and resources for patients on biologic medications. References Pediatrics: Pain Reduction During Pediatric Immunizations: Evidence-Based Review and Recommendations Distraction therapy at the Great Ormond Street Hospital also download their helpful pdf of techniques from this same page on their website. Healthier Ever Afte…

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