Impact of Familial Mediterranean Fever, MKD/HIDS, and TRAPS on Patients and Families

fmf-hids-traps-periodic-fever-syndromesThis 2016 study looked at how familial Mediterarrean fever (FMF), hyperimmunoglobulinemia D with periodic fever syndrome (HIDS), and tumor necrosis factor-associated periodic fever syndrome (TRAPS) affects patients’ lives and their family’s lives.

We invited a sample of patients with these diseases to participate in the study, which consisted of an interview led by a medical anthropologist, journaling, and creative artwork projects to get a full perspective of the patient and family experience from the period of being undiagnosed, seeking a diagnosis, and during diagnosis and treatment.  In addition, the study was designed to collect more details on what concerns or unmet needs were still being noted by patients and their families.

Rheumatologist Dr. Hausmann and Autoinflammatory Alliance President Karen Durrant, RN, BSN were two of the contributing editors. It was presented as a poster presentation by Autoinflammatory Alliance President Karen Durrant at PReS 2016 in Genoa, Italy. The Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PreS) is the leading medical society for pediatric rheumatology in Europe and has a large global outreach. There is a large focus on autoinflammatory diseases at this conference and a concurrent meeting of the European Network for Children with Arthritis (ENCA) that board member Saskya Appelman Angevare attended to represent the Autoinflammatory Alliance patient communities in Europe, especially for The Netherlands.
Some highlights from this study:

  • 64% of patients reported having symptoms between flares. This was most common in the HIDS patients.
  • Most report struggles with getting a diagnosis, and a lack of support from schools, family, and friends.
  • Although getting a diagnosis provides a sense of relief to know what it is, it often leads to more questions and uncertainty.
  • 86% report realizing something was seriously wrong after a medical crisis and hospitalization.
  • Most are misdiagnosed before getting a correct diagnosis. Misdiagnoses included lyme disease, meningitis, flu, leukemia, lymphoma, bone cancer, Crohn’s disease, and atypical Kawasaki’s disease.
  • Artwork demonstrating the patient’s idea of what was going on inside their body with disease flares, and how to explain the inflammation in the body. Most children drew pictures of monsters to represent their disease.


The majority of people interviewed shared common challenges and concerns. Here are a few quotes that tell their story well:

I had other kids and I knew something was wrong. It wasn’t no regular virus fever, like they were telling me. I would spend every weekend and every waking moment and stay up all night long looking online for what it would be.

She was in the hospital with a 106° F fever (41.1º C) fever and her kidneys shut down. I knew that this wasn’t normal.

The hardest part is isolation. I’m 28 years old and I just haven’t had the same experiences as my peers.

I had to fight for a diagnosis. I know that sounds insane, and when I think about it, well yeah, it was insane. And they were telling me I was crazy. It went on like that for years, and I kept going to different hospitals. I couldn’t get anyone to believe me.

I thought that the diagnosis would bring us some closure, but in a way a diagnosis is where the real story started.

We’d like more research to be done on all the symptoms of [periodic fever]. Research focuses only on the flares but doesn’t look at what happens between flares. We don’t feel it’s ever 100% gone between flares.

The hardest part about this disease is the difficulty in predicting what my day is going to look like. I can set all the plans in the world, but this disease can steal it away.

hids-fmf-traps-periodic-fever-syndromesThe study concluded:

Patients with autoinflammatory diseases often encounter long diagnostic delays, causing significant stress and confusion for the patient and their families. Distrust of the medical establishment may persist even after diagnosis. Loss of normalcy is a core tragedy for many families. Confusion and uncertainty continue to mark these families’ lives, even after diagnosis.

Initiatives that improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis, standards of care and treatment, more consistent, comprehensive patient education, and support patients and their families with these lifelong, chronic diseases have the potential to greatly improve the lives of patients with autoinflammatory diseases.

This research study was supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and was a collaboration with a few doctors and other medical professionals. We are pleased to have been a part of this project, and feel that there were some very important findings that came to light with this study, especially the information on patients having more challenges with symptoms between disease flares, as this is an issue that we hear about in our patient community that has not been well documented in most publications.

Click the graphic to view the full PDF of the poster.


Stuff My Doctor Says: Life with a Rare Autoinflammatory Disease

Stuff My Doctor Says: Life with a Rare Autoinflammatory Disease

Autoinflammatory diseases, aka periodic fever syndromes, are rare diseases that most doctors have never seen or even heard of. The autoinflammatory classification of diseases came about right before the start of the 21st century, so it is a new concept to the medical community. The long list of possible autoinflammatory symptoms can include flares of fevers, joint swelling, stomach problems; and for some, chronic inflammation can lead to hearing loss, liver inflammation, and more. Many patients have spent decades undiagnosed, trying to find the cause of their long list of symptoms. Many see different specialists for their various symptoms. This leads to a lot of time spent with doctors.

All this time with medical professionals can lead to hearing all kinds of comments and opinions from them about their health, and rarity of their disease (for those who are lucky to get a diagnosis).

We asked our autoinflammatory patient community “What stuff have their doctors said to them?” Patients sent us these true quotes they have heard from medical professionals, proving that doctors also say the darndest things!

What doctors say when our illness confuses the doctors…

“You really have an odd set of symptoms and they don’t make sense.”

“I have no idea why that medication helped those symptoms.”

“Blood work is not supposed to change like this.”

“But he’s not supposed to hurt between flares.”

“Well, she’s different.”

“We are going to test him for the flu. But this is not the flu.”

“That can’t be related because it’s not in the literature.” Evidently the canon of medical knowledge is already closed.

What doctors say when they truly care… (We LOVE these doctors!)

“Call me if anything weird happens.”

“Let’s get him feeling better. What do you need from me? How can I help?”

“Let me just give you my personal cell phone number.”

“We will find out, eventually.”

“I have never been so nervous opening test results.”

“Well, I think you are absolutely correct about what is going on with your child.  Doctors need to listen to the mothers-they are usually right.”

When I was leaving his office he said, “Could you please sit down again. I notice you’re not happy with the approach we discussed. Shall we discuss it again to see what you think we need to do so I can help him when he gets sick?” I just have to say that a doctor who is willing to find out might be even more important than one he thinks he knows all the answers.

Stuff doctors say that we’d like to forget…

“I doubt the fever was actually 106. We just never see fevers above 104. The body doesn’t allow for fevers to reach above that limit. Are you sure your thermometer is working correctly?” (Yes fevers in periodic fever syndromes can, and for some often, get above 104 F. Learn more here.)

“Maybe they are just growing pains.”

“Your child was in the hospital with high fever, CRP, ESR, WBC, and liver enzymes and couldn’t walk? That was just a daycare virus. We don’t need to do any more tests.”

“Are you sure you’re sick?”

“Nothing good comes from looking things up on the internet.”

“It’s just a virus.”

“This is a benign condition.” (Read more about how these diseases are NOT benign here.)

“I’m sure you weren’t reading the thermometer correctly”

“Getting your education on Dr. Google, I see.”

I was told I had Munchausen’s once because I had a 104 fever that wasn’t coming down with ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Stuff doctors say when they’ve never heard of our disease…

“Sorry we did not come in sooner; we were googling your condition to find out what it was.” (An ironic statement considering what some doctors have said to patients.)

“Your son sees a rheumatologist for a fever?” (These are systemic inflammatory diseases, which fall under the rheumatology specialty.)

“Autoinflammatory? You mean, autoimmune, correct?” (Click here to learn the difference between autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.)

“Can you spell that for me?”

“Periodic fever syndrome? That sounds made up. The doctors probably didn’t know what to tell you so they made something up.”

“Why does he see a rheumatologist for FMF? It’s a blood disorder, not a rheumatology disease.”

“Well, that’s not something we typically see with autoimmune diseases.” (That’s probably because these are not autoimmune diseases.)

When we fascinate doctors…

In my case, after I handed him all my files and autoinflammatory studies etc., the doctor said, “Can I keep all this and see you back in a month so I can do some research of my own and talk to some colleagues.”

“Do you think we could find some DNA from your (long-deceased) father somewhere?”

“I hate to sound like Dr. House, but… it’s not lupus.”

“Get every resident in the building to the ER. We never get to see vasculitis this bad.”

“I’ve heard about you!” said by every new resident rheumatologist at every appointment.

Nurses while we were admitted for testing with no idea of the diagnosis said, “We came to see the mystery patient!”

When the doctor knows the patient is the expert…

When you tell the doctor you just wish a doctor would be well informed so you don’t have to be in charge of directing all your child’s medical care. And the doctor says, “but you’re so good at it.” I know he meant it as a compliment, but all I could think was, “but what if I die?”

“What other blood tests should you have done that I’m forgetting?”

“You sure know a lot about these diseases.”

“Are you in medicine too?”

“Really?! That treatment works? Let me write that down.”


The Autoinflammatory Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those with autoinflammatory diseases.

Donate now to help with awareness, education, and research for these rare diseases.

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My Truths about Life with a Chronic Illness

autoinflammatory disease adults

The photos attached are me 16 hours apart. The first was me making dinner for my parents and family. The second is me 24 hours later ash-gray after being admitted to the hospital and in pain roughly three times worse than natural childbirth (I know, I’ve done it).

Social media has no shortage of “pro-patient” posts. What to do and say, what not to do and say. What color to wear if you care. The constant stream of 10 bullet points about the life struggles of chronic illness.

Then you find pieces that dig a little deeper like, “Why Won’t Apologize for Having Fun While Being Sick.” Or something like that making the rounds today. I don’t remember exactly because I read it waiting for a CT after three doses of Dilaudid.

I wish I felt like I had something sage or eye opening to add to this veritable internet catalog, but I don’t. I only have my truths. The majority of my three-hundred-some (I don’t count, but I know it fluctuates. Not everyone is prepared for my level of enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders, dogs, and self-photography.) Facebook friends know me well. They know that I work for a living, that I care about my community, that I love my children, and that I do nearly everything within reason to be well despite knowing that I will be unwell a fair amount of the time.

What I am getting at is that I’m a real person. So when you see the patient awareness memes and articles, consider that it is someone you know and very likely many someones that you know, even if it is just the cashier you thought was a jerk when they were really just exhausted and hurting.

Chronic illness is not a one time (or two or three time fight); it’s not a phase or a season. Each day you are well is one day closer to your next hospitalization. Every day that you are down or in-patient, it takes twice as much time, or more, to get caught back up. So when, your email goes unanswered or a collaboration doesn’t go at the speed you would like, please don’t take it personally. That person’s life is likely on pause. Maybe for a day. Maybe for weeks or months. Their direction and ability may have changed entirely since your starting point. It happens in the blink of an eye. The photos attached are me 16 hours apart. The first was last night making dinner for my parents and family, getting the kids prepared to go back to school, walking the dogs, doing laundry, going to work, etc. The second is me ash-gray after being admitted to the hospital today, temperature 95 degrees, now up to a strong 97 degrees F around 2 a.m., blood pressure bottomed out, dehydrated, and in pain roughly three times worse than natural childbirth (I know, I’ve done it).

August is autoinflammatory disease awareness month and I commit to sharing a peek inside this facet of my life for the whole month each year. I gladly skip most medical announcements the rest of the year, minus rare disease awareness week in February. Thank you to those of you who offer your love, support, and understanding. Thank you to those who just treat me like everyone else. All that being said, one thing is for sure, I am blessed beyond measure. Sharing is cathartic.

Sometimes advocacy is just sharing your truths. Some people with empathize, some people will roll their eyes, but hopefully it will offer perspective. Perspective for other patients, for their caregivers, for well-meaning acquaintances, for coaches of kids with sick parents, and for those who have a “lazy” co-worker who is always sick.

The Autoinflammatory Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those with autoinflammatory diseases.

Donate now to help with awareness, education, and research for these rare diseases.

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