Common Questions About Periodic Fever Syndromes and Other Autoinflammatory Diseases

…le during flares, so you may only be seeing them on their “good days.” The common link with all of these syndromes is that the inflammatory process in the immune system is out of control. These means they can have severe inflammation anywhere in their body, from their skin and muscles to their vital organs. In many of these conditions, especially the periodic fever syndromes PFAPA, FMF, TRAPS, and HIDS, patients may have periods that last days to…

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Normal Body Temperature and the Periodic Fever Syndromes

…RP (C-reactive protein), ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), and SAA (serum amyloid A) also need to be considered. For some, symptoms can come before the fever, or in some without a fever. Without treatment, patients with autoinflammatory diseases can suffer greatly even when they don’t have the medical definition of a fever. When trying to find a diagnosis and/or discuss treatment with your doctor, make sure you document and discuss with your d…

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Symptom Logs

…e a wonderful organization, started by parents of children with serious rheumatologic diseases. My Pain Diary iPad App One CAPS patient recommends the My Pain Diary iPad app. Here’s her review: We have been working with the pain diary for over a year now. My son is able to show his pain levels by numbers and location. Every symptom has its own color so it is easy to see. Also, you can add what kind of pain it is and it can store pictures. There is…

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