Supporting Children with Periodic Fever Syndromes at Schools in the U.K.

for example, how absences will be managed, requirements for extra time to complete exams, use of rest periods or additional support in catching up with lessons, and counseling sessions; The level of support needed, (some children will be able to take responsibility for their own health needs), including in emergencies. If a child is self-managing their medication, this should be clearly stated with appropriate arrangements for monitoring; Who wil…

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The National Institutes of Health: Helping Patients with Recurrent Fever Syndromes for over 20 Years

…t the decreasing costs of genetic testing, and the importance of genetic research and testing in autoinflammatory diseases. Click here to read more. Even if your genetic tests results were negative for any known periodic fever mutation, you may still qualify for one of these studies if you have symptoms of a fever syndrome. In the Familial Mediterranean Fever and Related Disorders: Genetics and Disease Characteristics study, about 2/3 of the patie…

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What is the Most Accurate Way to Take a Temperature?

…ºC, but others consider 99.0ºF to be a fever, depending on your doctor’s recommendation. Keep in mind, for these systemic autoinflammatory diseases, it’s not just a fever. With that rise in temperature comes inflammation in various parts of the body. You or your child may “only” be at 99.5 degrees F, but feel miserable. Therefore symptoms and how you or your child feels need to be considered as well when making treatment decisions. Also, if you ar…

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