About Jeri Tellez

Jeri Tellez's son Will developed Still’s disease after a viral infection in 2008 (age 11). Since then she has become an advocate for kids living with various forms of arthritis. She is active in the online community, mentoring newly diagnosed families, sharing insights with those not affected by autoinflammatory disease, and promoting awareness and education of chronic invisible illness. Jeri, Will, and sister Carmen have spoken at fundraisers and have lobbied congress for the American College of Rheumatology. You can find Jeri blogging about life at Random Thoughts from Texas.

Let’s Talk Bananas, Money, New Friends,….and Single Life with a Sick Child

What does it do to a single parent when a child is diagnosed with a chronic illness? I won’t pretend to know what effect a chronic illness has on a marriage. My marriage was over before my son was diagnosed … Continue reading