The National Institutes of Health: Helping Patients with Recurrent Fever Syndromes for over 20 Years

…s. This study accepts patients “with known NOMID/CAPS, DIRA, CANDLE, SAVI, NLRC4-MAS, Still’s Disease, and with other yet undifferentiated autoinflammatory diseases.” Click here for more details on this study. Who has the NIH helped? To get a peek into the amazing research done by the NIH and how they have directly helped patients read: NOMID Nomad blog here Bob’s Story here Issac and Bob’s Story here Meet Alex Before and After NIH Clinical Trial…

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What are Undifferentiated Autoinflammatory Diseases?

…at have been classified in the past few years, such as CANDLE syndrome and NLRC4-Associated Macrophage Activation Syndrome. One example is CANDLE syndrome. In the past, CANDLE was referred to in literature as a number of diseases, that only recently were determined to be the same condition. Patients in various parts of the world were at one time classified by various researchers, and cases were published under various names, such as Japanese autoi…

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Like Our Autoinflammatory Chart? You’ll Love What’s Coming Soon!

…ed in this recent video about a newly classified autoinflammatory disease, NLRC4-MAS on The National, a major Canadian news show. Medical professionals like that this expanded comprehensive wall chart has easy to compare information and resources for each disease on it, as prior to the release of the chart, there was no other place to do an easy comparison of all these diseases. Doctors are using this large chart to not only learn about these dise…

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